When You are Ready to MASTER Every Area of Your Life

 Wealth - Relationships - Business - Health - Career - Mindset - Happiness

I can’t begin to express the deep transformation that occurred in every aspect of my life

Rebecca Night


Discover How To Create An Extraordinary Life

Whether You...

  • Are a Business Owner Trying to Take Your Company from 6 to 7 Figures
  • An Athlete Wanting To Reach Peak Performance
  • Are Looking for a Complete Transformation in Your Life
  • Are Ready to Level Up Your Career
  • Need Help with Mending or Moving on From a Relationship
  • Want Help Overcoming a Past Trauma
  • Are Wanting To Rebuild Your Health
  • Just Want To Learn To Be Happy For Once





Dr. Jamie Mori

 Transformational Results Coach


Hello and Welcome Magnificent You! 


You are here because you are not just looking for answers but for RESULTS! 

How do I know that?

Because you are exactly were I was a few years ago.

My guess is you are currently experiencing one or more of the following:

  • You have reached a point where you feel like you are DOING all the the right things...but in certain aspects of your life you still feel like you are failing.
  • Your goals, dreams and purpose feel completely out of reach.
  •  You are sick and tired of letting fear of failure or rejection sabotage the life you want.
  • What used to make you happy no longer does.  You have reached "success" in life and are told you should be happy, that this is what it is all about.  Instead, you feel lost, maybe depressed, disappointed. You may even feel lied to because you wasted years of your life but for what?
  • You want to find your authentic self, your true purpose in life that fulfills you and brings joy and bliss into your life. Some days you just want to run away to find yourself.
  • You became a people pleaser, always putting other people's needs before your own and not letting the true essence, your true voice be heard and shine.
  • You have physical or health issues and you are tired of living with it.  Now you want answers.  Now you just want it fixed and gone. Believe me, I know, I have certainly been there.
  • You have relationships that you just don't understand or know how to fix.  You feel like no matter what you say or do you can't win.  It feels like your only choices are to continue as is, which is miserable, or cut them out of your life completely, which doesn't seem right either.
  • You fell lonely in a world full of people who are sleep walking through life. Most days you feel like there is no on around you who you can relate to. Sometimes you feel like a stranger in your own family,
  • You have people in your life you need to learn to forgive but you just can't let go of the hurt and anger.  You know you need to but how to actual do it eludes you. 

Does ANY of This Sound Familiar?


Are You Ready To Try Something DIFFERENT?


Reach Your Biggest Goals Faster

With my decades of learned and utilized tools my coaching method transcends basic strategies and traditional mentoring. You’ll gain absolute clarity on your goals, craft a focused action plan to achieve them, and receive the accountability and momentum essential for real results.

Whether you’re focused on business, health, athletic performance, finances, career or relationships, this approach will give you the competitive edge needed for extraordinary transformation.



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Your Time Is NOW!  Connect with Jamie Mori today.


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Transform Your Life

Discover your true passion in life and get clear and focused on goals and objectives that will radically change your life.




Reach Health and Fitness Goals

Renew you vitality, improve your psychology and mindset and get the results you've been looking for.



Heal Real-astionships

Reignite your relationships by breaking down barriers and discover how to build deeper connections.




Achieve Your Goals Faster

Create a results-driven plan to achieve your goals faster and more effectively. Your past no longer equals your future.



Become Unlimited In Life

Learn to be happy and live an extraordinary life by isolating and reframing limiting beliefs that have held you back up to this point.


Realize Your Dream Career/Business

Discover the fast and simple but effective accelerator to your business, career and finances in taking it to the next level.


...to master the art of transforming your mindset, enabling you to unlock your inherent abundance, become a top performer who brings their vision to life, and take decisive, strategic action—guaranteeing your success in life, business, health, wealth, and relationships.

And the best part?

My proven methods have empowered others  just like you to truly have it all—the flourishing business, the freedom to travel, the ability to make a meaningful impact, and the joy of reclaiming their life!


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Who Am I To Be Making All Of These Claims?


I'm Jamie,

  • I am a Certified Tony Robbins Results Coach
  • I have a Doctorate Degree in Chiropractic Medicine
  • I am a Certified Tony Robbins Working With Women Coach
  • Along With my Husband We Built a Successful 7-Figure Business in the Automotive Industry
  • I am Currently Pursuing My Doctorate in Naturopathy
  • Certified Hypnotherapist and Regression
  • I am a Certified Shaman studying under the legendary Alberto Villoldo and The Four Winds Society
  • Opened the Infinite Soul Institute - Center for Self Mastery

But there was a lot of life in between being homeless in my teens to all this success.

During those decades I became a sponge, learning and studying anything and everything I could get my hands on and it has never stopped.

Using myself as the guinea pig I applied everything I could find on human behavior, mindset and performance optimization to test and refine strategies that would create real, lasting change.

Through this relentless experimentation, I discovered what truly works and what doesn't, ultimately developing a powerful approach that now helps others achieve their own personal and professional transformations.

But that wasn't enough.  I wanted to know the secret to happiness, how to overcome trauma and live an abundant joyful life.  

And not just for me - But FOR EVERYONE!

The Funny Think Is, Even After I Achieved All of This Success Both Professionally and Personally...


I Was Depressed, Angry, Resentful and Sad.


I thought that I had done everything right, that if I worked hard enough, pushed and pushed to achieve, taking very little time off, that once I got "there" I would be fulfilled and happy.

I had given up a career in Chiropractic to help my husband grow our automotive business, while homeschooling our son.  The more I gave of myself to others the less I checked in on how I was doing - what I needed.

I felt like I would let my husband down if I pursued my own dreams and I wanted my son to know that I would always be there for him, no matter how old or where he was. 

My body started showing signs of stress in spite of the fact that I worked out, ate pretty good and took what I considered good care of myself. 

I went through knee surgeries amongst other health issues until I got the devastating blow from my back specialist in 2021 that something had to give.

He basically told me that if I didn't figure out how to fix my life I was going to be on pain meds the rest of my life and/or in a wheel chair.

After I left his office I cried in my car, feeling lonely, sad and angry. How had I worked so hard for so long only to end up here in my mid-fifties?

It took me a few months, but eventually I resolved to figure out how to change the trajectory of the path I was on.

I Wasn't Going Down Without A Fight!




This Increased My Thirst For Knowledge and Understanding To Find The Elusive Happy and Fulfilled Life.

I invested thousands on retreats and programs to understand everything I could from our modern world to ancient text teachings.

Eventually I healed my back through the power of my own mindset.

I trained in every discipline I thought would help others to achieve what I had figured out.

I eventually found the courage to remove myself from our family business, without feelings of guilt or anxiety and stepped fully into the work I am doing today.

In spring of 2024 I opened the Infinite Soul Institute in Raleigh, North Carolina as well as help countless others online through my coaching.

Now, it has become my obsession, my life-long pursuit to help others live the life they want to live, filled with success, joy, happiness and abundance

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You Have Nothing To Loose and Everything To Gain!


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