Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique℠

QHHT® is quite possibly one of the most profound and transformational experiences you may ever have.  It is the direct access and connection to the consciousness, opening an accessible doorway to finding the greatest secret that lies within - the answers to life, health, happiness and purpose. 
Jamie holds her sessions at her office and headquarters, Infinite Soul Institute, in Raleigh North Carolina. Online sessions are not provided.



What is QHHT®

Dolores Cannon, not satisfied with typical, light level, alpha hypnosis, developed a technique that involves brining an individual into the Somnambulistic state of trance through visualization.  This is the state that everyone experiences at least twice a day; just before waking up and just before falling asleep.  Most hypnotist avoid this state because of the high level of consciousness and the powerful information brought through.  Not surprisingly, Albert Einstein was just one of many innovative leaders throughout history that claimed to get their "ideas" and "inspirations" from exactly this same self-induced state.

But this was Dolores' wheelhouse.  She loved working here in the Somnambulistic state.  Here she discovered that clients were able to access their Past Lives, as well as on the other side of the veil between lives.  

Her most powerful discovery however, came when she realized that while clients were in this state, she was able to access an infinite and seemingly all-knowing aspect of each individual that can be not only connected with but communicated with as well.  She had stumbled upon a way to directly access answers to our questions that we as humans so often desperately long for.

This is the part of ourselves, the higher aspects of who we each are, as well as our council of advisors and guides (but much more knowledgeable than spirit guides) who is always present with us, watching and guiding.  It our own personal support team that because of Dolores everyone can now have access to. 

This team is also available to perform instantaneous healings when appropriate.



QHHT® Healing*

*This section is from www.qhhtofficial.com

The Subconscious (this is what Dolores used to name the High-Aspect of a client she connected with) has the ability to identify any physical problem it detects within the body and explain the cause behind it, either from this current life or past lives or ancestral DNA.

The Subconscious is then asked if it is suitable for healing to occur, which, if it is, is done instantaneously with no medications, surgery or pain involved.  In many cases, once the Subconscious reveals the source of the ailment, a release occurs in the client's body and mind, and the client is freed from their condition.

Over the course of decades, Dolores conducted thousands of sessions were clients were healed in this seemingly miraculous manner, something she was never able to fully understand how it was accomplished.

The Subconscious also adhere to a literal approach regarding healing. Healing can only occur if the individual wants to be healed and if it does not interfere with the souls plan and/or life contracts. The Subconscious of someone born blind, for example, would not heal this persons sight if being blind was one of the key elements they had agreed to before incarnating on earth, for this was the path they were going to take to learn, expand and grow as an infinite soul.

There are no guarantees, but these are some of the extraordinary results Dolores Cannon and her QHHT® Practitioners alike have experienced with clients during their sessions:

  • Cancer - various types at various stages cleared
  • Cartilage - reconstruction between joints
  • HIV - cleared and eradicated
  • Heart - healed with no surgery required
  • Liver - fully functional regeneration and restoration
  • Kidney - fully functional regeneration and restoration
  • Open Flesh Wound - regeneration with no scarring
  • Migraines - root causes explained and removed
  • Vision - 20/20 eyesight restored with no need for corrective vision
  • Diabetes - causes explained and cleared
  • Intestines - conditions cleared
  • Back - middle and lower area problems cleared
  • Neck/Shoulder - pain identified and causes cleared
  • Lungs - problems identified and cleared
  • Skin - problems identified and cleared




Why Try QHHT®?

People come for a QHHT® Session for many reasons. Some come because they are just curious about past lives or have general questions around life purpose, family, work, health.  Clients also come because of life threatening illnesses, pain, depression or addictions. 

More recently we have seen an influx of individuals who are awakening during this shift in humanity and are trying to work through all of the confusion and trying to make sense of what is happening to them. These individuals may have an inner "knowing" or feeling that they are meant to be doing something different with their life.  The "normal" life doesn't feel normal to them at all.  We are seeing more and more clients wanting answers to bigger questions about the universe, God/Source, other planets and dimensions as well as other forms of sentient beings and what their connection to it is.

I also work with individuals who have had - let's say - a not so pleasant experience with plant medicine.  As a practicing Shaman (who does not use plant medicine in her practice) I am fully aware of what is going on with these specific individuals.

Some clients come for a session because they just want a better understanding of why their life is the way it is and how there are supposed to navigate and move forward in a positive and productive way.



What Can I Expect from a Session?

QHHT® sessions are only ever conducted in person at Jamie's office in Raleigh, North Carolina at the Infinite Soul Institute Headquarters. Please plan on a minimum of 6-8 hours for your session.  Jamie will never cut it short, taking the time necessary for you to have an amazing experience.

We ask that you bring with you on the day of your appointment a list of questions that you want answered by your Higher Self and your Council.  These questions can be about health/body as well as life/personal questions.

Then you and Jamie will spend some time getting to know each other and discuss your reason for wanting this sessions. You will talk about your life's journey up to this point in time and then go over your list of questions.  Once you start the hypnosis process you will be under for 2 hours, possibly a little longer.  This is the part of the session that is recorded for you, as people think they remember the session but when they listen back they realized that they actually only remembered bits and pieces of it.  Most clients are amazed at what they find after listening to the recording later.  

While in this deep state of trance and relaxation you will be guided by Jamie through 1-3 past lives or other experiences that your soul deems are most appropriate and helpful for you at this time.  If you don't believe in past lives or are unsure, do not worry, either way your Higher Self has got your back so to speak and knows what is most needed for you to see and experience at this time.  

Once you are finished with this part, Jamie accesses your Higher Self and you Team or Council, as she likes to call them, to get answers to your list of questions.  This is also when she will ask for a scan of your body to heal and repair issues that are known and sometimes unknown.  While the Higher-Self of each and every person is speaking to them all of the time, most people seldom recognize it because it comes in the form of intuition or a "gut" feeling.  But in the Somnambulistic state, you will allow the gift of hearing your Higher Self and wise Council speak through your own voice.  It is truly a beautiful and awe inspiring experience. 

Afterwards, Jamie will gently count you out to a state of refreshed awakeness followed by a discussion with you about what occurred and what you remember.

 By the end of the session, one thing is for sure, you will not be the same person who walked into Jamie's office hours earlier.  This is a multi-dimensional experience and once you come out of hypnosis, it is not uncommon for clients to have a look of amazement and comfort in knowing the answers to all their questions as well as having healing to their body.